
CMJ Health Group

We’re defined by our utmost professionalism and quality care for our patients. HIV and other STDs are incredibly risky medical diagnoses that deserve our utmost attention and perfected treatments. That’s what we offer here! Through education, research, care, treatment, and support services, CMJ Health Group strives to improve the health and overall quality of life of our diverse South Florida communities in need.

CMJ Health Group comprises medical experts with decades of experience who aren’t strangers to preventing, diagnosing, and treating STDs of all types!

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CMJ Health Group provides PrEP pills free of charge if you have insurance. Even if you don’t, we can apply for specialized drug assistance to seek a no-cost prescription. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to offering a fighting chance against HIV and helping people avoid contracting the deadly virus. Through education, specialized care, and research, we’ve come a long way in assisting the tri-county of South Florida in this fight.

PrEP is mainly aimed at a population of high-risk individuals more vulnerable to contracting HIV. As you may know, certain population sub-types are disproportionately at risk of contracting HIV and will have more serious health issues if they contract the virus. That’s why PrEP is essential for these individuals. You need to be HIV-negative to undergo pre-exposure prophylaxis, though.