Man holding a pill used for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection

Do you want to test yourself for STDs? CMJ Health Group offers instant STD testing at a very low cost. Each test takes about 20-30 minutes, so you can take a test on your way to work. Depending on your needs, we also have lengthier tests that look for a wider range of STDs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. For many people, rapid STD tests are more than enough.

For pricing, we recommend you contact our health center at 305-974-4276 and make an appointment. Our main office is located at 111 NW 183rd Street, Ste 209, Miami, FL 33169, and we serve the tri-county South Florida area (Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach). We also offer STD prevention treatment and education about STDs, HPVs, safe sex, and more!

What services do you offer?

Our CMJ Health Group offers tests, diagnoses, and treatments for the following STDs:

  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Chlamydia
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Genital warts
  • Trichomoniasis
  • HIV
  • Herpes
  • And more…

We not only diagnose STDs, but we offer cutting-edge treatments to keep your health under control and allow you to live a comfortable life. Moreover, we offer condoms and HPV vaccines for STD prevention if you think you’ll get yourself in a delicate situation. Our medical professionals will also educate you about STDs, safe sex, HPV, and hepatitis vaccines, all so you can make an educated decision in the future.

Most of our services are covered by insurance, but we will need your insurance information when you come to us. The appointment is free of charge, so you can drop by anytime! Pricing information will become available when you visit our medical center and inquire about specific information.

What does STD testing involve?

Most STD exams include a genital exam, but others may rely on urine samples or oral swabs for our rapid STD tests. These tests take about 20-30 minutes, and we’ll have the results ready extremely quickly. We ask that you don’t urinate or engage in sexual intercourse for at least an hour before the urine sample tests. This will ensure the accuracy of the STD tests!

While STDs are dangerous, precaution and preventative measures go a long way, especially with experts who can guide you on the right path. Our medical staff provides optional counseling, both anonymous and confidential, that will answer all your concerns and questions. If you’re worried about something, we will answer your questions and make you feel comfortable.

Some of our preventative measures include vaccines that are given in a series over several months, so you’ll need to drop by our health center regularly. Our medical professionals will guide you through the process, so you’ll never feel outside your comfort zone. In all cases, you’ll receive the full benefit of our treatments and preventative measures if you adhere to them.

Contact us today

CMJ Health Group provides advanced screening tests for STDs, including prevention, treatment, and in-depth counseling. We aim to improve your life and help you avoid difficult situations through comprehensive education, care, and top-quality services. Low-income individuals may also benefit from our services because we always try to find a way to help you that’s to your advantage!

If you’d like to learn more about STDs or test yourself, call us at 305-974-4276 for an appointment in our medical center in Miami. You can contact us at any time since we’re available 24/7. Our medical personnel will be ready to answer any questions you have and tell you more about our services and price packages. STDs are nothing to joke about, so it’s better to be safe than sorry!